
We present some examples on how to use profiler in Profiler Examples folder.

TensorFlow Lite inference benchmarking

To use Profiler on TensorFlow Lite Inference Benchmarking classification in the benchmark folder.

  1. [Optional] Use the bench/download.sh script (wget must be installed on your system) to download mobilenet_v1_0.75_224 and mobilenet_v1_1.0_224 (Alternatively, you can download a different set of TensorFlow Lite models from (https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/hosted_models) and save them in benchmark folder.)

  2. If needed, change arguments in env_benchmark.template.

  3. Run python -m aup.profiler -e env_benchmark.template -m mobilenet_v1_0.75_224.tflite,mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.tflite.

This will create Docker images mobilenet_v1_0.75_224_img and mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_img and corresponding Docker containers mobilenet_v1_0.75_224_con and mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_con. It will execute test_perf.py within these containers using the Docker Volume command to run inference on the specified models. Once execution finishes, Profiler will output the following statistics:

Final Usage Stats
NAME                   AVG CPU %      PEAK CPU  AVG MEM USAGE / LIMIT    PEAK MEM    NET I/O          BLOCK I/O        TOTAL TIME (ms)
---------------------  -----------  ----------  -----------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -----------------
mobilenet_v1_0.75_224  225.09%          226.68  117.9 MiB / 1.9 GiB      117.9 MiB   742.0 B / 0.0 B  0.0 B / 0.0 B               6164
mobilenet_v1_1.0_224   244.258%         250.83  122.4 MiB / 1.9 GiB      126.9 MiB   766.0 B / 0.0 B  0.0 B / 0.0 B              12354

The results from each timestamp and each individual model are saved in model_name+out.txt (can be user-defined via OUTPUTFILE in env_benchmark.template). Additionally, a general summary is provided in out.txt containing the final stats for all the tested models.

MNIST training benchmarking

You can also use Profiler to profile training. MNIST classification example can be found in the mnist folder.

  1. [Optional] Download the MNIST dataset from (http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/). Add the .gz files to the data folder. Then open env_mnist.template file and edit the DOCKER_ARGS option with the absolute path to the data folder as -v /data/:/mnist_data.

  2. Change other arguments in the env_mnist.template if you want.

  3. Run python -m aup.profiler -e env_mnist.template.

This will create a Docker Image named test_image, and a corresponding Docker Container test_container. It will execute mnist.py within the container using Docker Volume command to load the data. Once the execution finishes, the Profiler will output the following statistics:

Final Usage Stats
NAME            AVG CPU %      PEAK CPU  AVG MEM USAGE / LIMIT    PEAK MEM    NET I/O              BLOCK I/O        TOTAL TIME (ms)
--------------  -----------  ----------  -----------------------  ----------  -------------------  -------------  -----------------
test_container  316.532%         337.98  502.3 MiB / 1.9 GiB      537.0 MiB   12.0 MiB / 151.4 kB  0.0 B / 0.0 B             220842

The results from each timestamp are saved in out.txt (set via OUTPUTFILE in env_mnist.template).