Source code for aup.setupdb.sqlite

#!/usr/bin/env python
  Copyright (c) 2018 LG Electronics Inc.
  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

Set up SQLite database for Auptimizer

This code is running automatically during the setup.
If needed, it can be used as

.. program-output:: python3 -m aup.setupdb.sqlite -h

import sqlite3
import os
import click
import json
import logging
import coloredlogs
from ..utils import get_default_username, LOG_LEVEL

from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser

logger = logging.getLogger("aup.setupdb.sqlite")

def _create_connection(db_file):
    filename = os.path.expanduser(db_file)
    return sqlite3.connect(filename)

def _insert_resource(config, res_name, cursor, name, type):
    if not config.has_option("Auptimizer", res_name):
    for i in json.loads(config.get("Auptimizer", res_name)):
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO resource (rid, name, type, status) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
                       (i, name, type, "free"))

[docs]def create_database(config, usernames, cpu, name): """Create new database for Auptimizer :param config: contains ``SQLITE_FILE``, ``gpu_mapping`` under ``Auptimizer`` section :type config: configparser.ConfigParser :param usernames: list of username, not used :type usernames: list(str) :param cpu: number of CPUs for parallel jobs :type cpu: int :param name: node information, not used :type name: str """ try: file = config.get("Auptimizer", "SQLITE_FILE") except Exception as e: logger.fatal("failed to retrieve SQLITE_FILE from aup environment") raise e conn = _create_connection(file) c = conn.cursor() # User Table c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user;") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE user (uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name TEXT UNIQUE, permission BLOB);""") # Resource Table c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS resource;") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE resource (rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name TEXT, type TEXT, status TEXT)""") # Experiment Table c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS experiment;") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE experiment (eid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, uid INTEGER, name TEXT, start_time INTEGER, end_time INTEGER, status TEXT CHECK(status IN ('CREATED', 'RUNNING', 'STOPPED', 'FINISHED', 'FAILED', 'STOPPING', 'REQUEST_STOP')), exp_config BLOB, error_msg TEXT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(uid) REFERENCES user(uid));""") # Job Table c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS job;") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE job (jid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, score REAL, eid INTEGER, start_time INTEGER, end_time INTEGER, status TEXT CHECK(status IN ('RUNNING', 'EARLY_STOPPED', 'FINISHED', 'FAILED')), job_config BLOB, FOREIGN KEY(eid) REFERENCES experiment(eid));""") # Job Attempt Table c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS job_attempt;") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE job_attempt (jaid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, jid INTEGER, num INTEGER, rid INTEGER, start_time INTEGER, end_time INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(jid) REFERENCES job(jid), FOREIGN KEY(rid) REFERENCES resource(rid));""") # Intermediate result table c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS intermediate_result;") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE intermediate_result (irid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, num INTEGER, score REAL, jid INTEGER, receive_time INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(jid) REFERENCES job(jid));""") # Multiple results table c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS multiple_result;") c.execute("""CREATE TABLE multiple_result (mrid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, label_order INTEGER, value REAL, receive_time INTEGER, \ jid INTEGER, irid INTEGER, eid INTEGER, is_last_result INTERGER, FOREIGN KEY(jid) REFERENCES job(jid), FOREIGN KEY(irid) REFERENCES intermediate_result(irid), FOREIGN KEY(eid) REFERENCES experiment(eid));""") for username in usernames: # currently no specific limitation c.execute("INSERT INTO user (name, permission) VALUES (?,?)", (username, "all")) _insert_resource(config, "gpu_mapping", c, name, "gpu") _insert_resource(config, "node_mapping", c, "remote", "node") _insert_resource(config, "aws_mapping", c, "remote", "aws") for i in range(cpu): c.execute("INSERT INTO resource (name, type, status) VALUES (?,?,?)", (name, "cpu", "free")) c.execute("INSERT INTO resource (name, type, status) VALUES (?,?,?)", (name, "passive", "free")) conn.commit() conn.close() # print("\033[93mSQLite3 Database is created at %s\033[0m" % config.get("Auptimizer", "SQLITE_FILE"))"SQLite3 Database is created at %s" % config.get("Auptimizer", "SQLITE_FILE"))
[docs]def reset(config): """Close on-going jobs/experiment and reset resources without deleting existing results: :param config: contains ``SQLITE_FILE`` under ``Auptimizer`` section :type config: configparser.ConfigParser """ conn = _create_connection(config.get("Auptimizer", "SQLITE_FILE")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE experiment SET end_time=strftime('%s','now') WHERE end_time ISNULL;") c.execute("UPDATE job SET score=-999, end_time=strftime('%s','now') WHERE end_time ISNULL;") c.execute("UPDATE resource SET status='free' WHERE status='busy';") conn.commit() conn.close()
@click.command(name="create Auptimizer database, prefer to use aup.setupdb.reset instead of calling this directly", context_settings=dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])) @click.argument("env_file", type=click.Path(exists=True)) @click.option("--user", default=None, help="username for history tracking") @click.option("--cpu", default=4, type=click.INT, help="number of CPUs to run parallel") @click.option("--name", default="localhost", help="resource name, not used") @click.option("--log", default="info", type=click.Choice(["debug", "info", "warn", "error"]), help="Log level") # name is no in use. - all resources are under the name of `localhost` def main(env_file, user, cpu, name, log): # pragma: no cover """Create database for **Auptimizer** with specified in env.ini file. \b\n Copyright (C) 2018 LG Electronics Inc. \b\n GPL-3.0 License. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; \b\n Arguments: env_file {str}: Auptimizer environment file """ coloredlogs.install(level=LOG_LEVEL[log], fmt="%(asctime)-15s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") user = get_default_username(user) config = ConfigParser() create_database(config, [user], cpu, name) if __name__ == "__main__": main()