#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2018 LG Electronics Inc.
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
PyTorch to Keras
Use https://github.com/nerox8664/pytorch2keras for conversion.
.. code-block:: bash
$ python -m aup.dlconvert.pytorch_to_keras -i model.pt -o model.h5 \\
--input_shape 1,3,224,224 --net net.py --net_name Net
import tf2onnx # to resolve import error of pytorch2keras
from pytorch2keras import pytorch_to_keras
from typing import List
from os import path
import torch
from absl import flags, app
from .utils import reset_flag, load_package
flags.DEFINE_string("model", "model.pt", "input model", short_name="i")
flags.DEFINE_string("output", "model.h5", "output keras model", short_name="o")
flags.DEFINE_list("input_shape", "1,3,224,224", "input tensor shape")
flags.DEFINE_string("net", "net.py", "network definition file")
flags.DEFINE_string("net_name", "Net", "class name of the defined network")
flags.register_validator("model", path.isfile, message="missing input model")
flags.register_validator("net", path.isfile, message="missing model definition file")
[docs]def convert(model: str, output: str, input_shape: List[int], net_path, net_name):
"""Convert PyTorch model to Keras model
model (str): PyTorch model file path
output (str): output file name for Keras model
input_shape (List[int]): Tensor shape for input
net_path ([type]): Python script defines the model
net_name ([type]): PyTorch model class in the `net_path` file.
x = torch.randn(*input_shape, requires_grad=True) # pylint: disable=no-member
load_package(net_path, net_name)
model = torch.load(model)
k_model = pytorch_to_keras(model, x, [input_shape[1:]], verbose=False)
# Export the model
def _main(_):
input_shape = [int(i) for i in FLAGS.input_shape]
convert(FLAGS.model, FLAGS.output, input_shape, FLAGS.net, FLAGS.net_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":