Source code for aup.dlconvert.keras_to_pb

#!/usr/bin/env python
  Copyright (c) 2018 LG Electronics Inc.
  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

Keras to ProtoBuf


.. code-block:: bash

   $ python -m --model model.h5 \\
       --output model.pb \\
       --frozen \\
       --output_nodes output/Softmax:0

from os import path
from typing import List
from absl import flags, app
import tensorflow as tf
from .utils import reset_flag

from .to_frozen_pb import to_frozen # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

flags.DEFINE_string("model", "model.h5", "input model", short_name="i")
flags.DEFINE_string("output", "model.pb", "output", short_name="o")
flags.DEFINE_bool("frozen", True, "create frozen protobuf")
flags.DEFINE_string("output_nodes", "output/Softmax:0", "output nodes (separated by comma)")
flags.register_validator("model", path.isfile, message="missing input model")

def _to_graphdef():
    sess = tf.compat.v1.keras.backend.get_session()
    graph = sess.graph
    return graph.as_graph_def()

[docs]def convert(model: str, frozen: bool = False, output_nodes: List[str] = ()) -> tf.compat.v1.GraphDef: """Convert Keras model to tensorflow graphdef Args: model (str): Keras model file name frozen (bool, optional): To frozen graphdef. Defaults to False. output_nodes (List[str], optional): output nodes, otherwise, use model outputs from Keras model. Defaults to (). Returns: tf.GraphDef: Tensorflow GraphDef """ model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model) tf.compat.v1.keras.backend.set_learning_phase(0) if frozen: if not output_nodes: output_nodes = sess = tf.compat.v1.keras.backend.get_session() protobuf = to_frozen(sess, output_nodes) else: protobuf = _to_graphdef() return protobuf
def _main(_): protobuf = convert(FLAGS.model, FLAGS.frozen, FLAGS.output_nodes.split(",")) with open(FLAGS.output, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(protobuf.SerializeToString()) if __name__ == "__main__":