Source code for aup.Proposer.AbstractProposer

  Copyright (c) 2018 LG Electronics Inc.
  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


:mod:`aup.Proposer.AbstractProposer` provide interface for Hyperparameter Optimization Modules.

import abc
import logging
import pickle
import json
import threading
from six.moves import input

from ..utils import set_default_keyvalue, check_missing_key, get_from_options
from . import ProposerStatus

ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (object,), {'__slots__': ()})

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_param_config(name, vrange, vtype): """ Reads the configuration file and checks for errors. """ if vtype not in ('float', 'int', 'choice'): raise ValueError("%s is not supported as hyperparameter type" % vtype) if vtype != 'choice' and len(vrange) != 2: raise ValueError("Range need to be a two element tuple for %s" % vtype) return {'name': name, 'range': vrange, 'type': vtype}
[docs]class AbstractProposer(ABC): """ Proposer to generate new values for hyperparameters :param config: experiment configuration :type config: BasicConfig """ def __init__(self, config): self.nSamples = 0 # number of total jobs for an experiment self.counter = 0 # number of executed jobs self.current_proposal = dict() self.status = ProposerStatus.RUNNING # whether the experiment is finished self.status_lock = threading.Lock() AbstractProposer.verify_config(self, config)
[docs] def set_status(self, status): with self.status_lock: self.status = status
[docs] def get_status(self): with self.status_lock: return self.status
[docs] def increment_job_counter(self): with self.status_lock: self.counter += 1
[docs] def check_termination(self): with self.status_lock: if self.counter >= self.nSamples: self.status = ProposerStatus.FINISHED
[docs] def get_remaining_jobs(self): with self.status_lock: return self.nSamples - self.counter
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_config(): # pragma: no cover config = [] try: print("start adding hyperparameters, use 'stop' for variable name or ctrl+c to exit") while True: name = input("variable name:") if name == "stop": break try: res = input("range (separated by ,):") if "'" in res: res = res.replace("'", '"') if res[0] == '[' and res[-1] == ']': vrange = json.loads(res) else: vrange = json.loads("[" + res + "]") except ValueError: logger.critical("failed to parse range, treat it as strings separated by ','") vrange = res.split(",") if len(vrange) == 0: raise ValueError("range needs at least one element") vtype = get_from_options("type:", ("choice", "float", "int")) config.append({'name': name, "range": vrange, "type": vtype}) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Config interrupted, completed variables are saved.") return {"parameter_config": config}
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_param_config(config): """ Parse the given experiment configuration of ``parameter_config`` If values are missing, fill in defaults. :param config: config["param_config"] :type config: dict :return: updated config :rtype: dict """ check_missing_key(config, "name", "Missing name of the parameter, need to be consistent with your training code", log=logger) set_default_keyvalue("type", "int", config, log=logger) set_default_keyvalue("range", [0, 1], config, log=logger) return config
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for specific :func:`get_param` to update ``current_proposal`` and ``counter``. :param kwargs: any arguments to be passed to :func:`get_param` :type kwargs: dict :return: parameter values :rtype: dict """ self.check_termination() if self.get_status() != ProposerStatus.RUNNING: return None self.current_proposal = self.get_param(**kwargs) logger.debug(self.current_proposal) if not self.current_proposal: return None return self.current_proposal.copy()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_param(self, **kwargs): """ Get new proposed parameter values """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reload(self, path): """ Reload Proposer state from path :param path: path to reload :type path: str """"Reload %s, previous cancelled job won't be run", path) with open(path, 'rb') as f: d = pickle.load(f) for i in d.__dict__: self.__dict__[i] = d.__dict__[i] return self
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset proposer """ with self.status_lock: self.counter = 0 self.status = ProposerStatus.RUNNING
[docs] def save(self, path): """ Save Proposer state to path. **Some proposer can not generate new parameters after saving.** :param path: path to save :type path: str """ with open(path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] def update(self, score, job): """ Update scores in proposer history :param score: score returned by Job :type score: float :param job: Finished job :type job: Job """ logger.debug("Get score ({}) for job {}".format(score, job.jid))
[docs] def failed(self, job): """ Mark job as failed in proposer history. :param job: Failed job :type job: Job """ logger.debug("Job {} marked as failed".format(job.jid))
[docs] def verify_config(self, config): """ Verify the input configuration is enough for the proposer :param config: Experiment configuration of ``parameter_config`` :type config: dict :return: config :rtype: dict """ check_missing_key(config, "parameter_config", "Specify the parameter configuration `parameter_config` to be searched", log=logger) for i in config["parameter_config"]: check_missing_key(i, "name", "hyperparameter name is missing", log=logger) return config
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['status_lock'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.status_lock = threading.Lock()