Copyright (c) 2018 LG Electronics Inc.
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
import paramiko as pm
from .CPUResourceManager import CPUResourceManager
from ...utils import check_missing_key, load_default_env, parse_result, DEFAULT_AUPTIMIZER_PATH, block_until_ready
from ...utils import open_sftp_with_timeout, parse_one_line
from ..Job import Job
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logger.getEffectiveLevel())
[docs]def parse_hostname(host):
Parse the host name, in the following formats:
+ `username@ip` or
+ `username@ip:port` or
+ `username@ip ssh_key` or
+ `username@ip:port ssh_key`
:param host: host name string
:type host: str
:return: username, hostname, port=22, key (parsed from ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
if "@" not in host:
logger.fatal("Username@IP is minimal requirement")
raise ValueError("host name %s is not correct" % host)
username, hostname = host.split("@")
if " " in hostname:
hostname, key = hostname.split(" ")
key = pm.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(key)
key = None # use default
if ":" in hostname:
hostname, port = hostname.split(":")
port = int(port)
hostname = hostname
port = 22
except Exception as e:
logger.fatal("Catch other error when parsing the remote resource configuration. Check documentation please.")
raise e
return username, hostname, port, key
class Remote(object): # pragma: no cover
def __init__(self, host):
parse host name string into full host spec:
`username@ip` or `username@ip:port` or `username@ip ssh_key` or `username@ip:port ssh_key`
:param host: host name string
self.username, self.hostname, self.port, self.key = parse_hostname(host)
client = pm.SSHClient()
self.client = client
def exec_command(self, command, command_async=None, *args, **kwargs):
return self.client.exec_command(command, *args, **kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
self.client.connect(self.hostname, self.port, self.username, pkey=self.key,
timeout=5, auth_timeout=5, banner_timeout=5)
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
[docs]class SSHResourceManager(CPUResourceManager): # pragma: no cover
def __init__(self, connector, n_parallel, key="node_mapping", auppath=DEFAULT_AUPTIMIZER_PATH,
async_reconnect=30, async_timeout=None,
async_run=False, reconn_wait_time=30, max_retries=3, **kwargs):
:param connector: SQL connector
:param n_parallel: number of parallel jobs
:param key: where to find the node assignment in aup env.ini
:param auppath: aup environment path
:param async_run: whether the ssh job should be run asynchronously
:param async_reconnect: number of seconds to reconnect and check job status of async job
:param async_timeout: maximum number of seconds to try reconnection to the async job, otherwise failure
:param reconn_wait_time: for non-async jobs, maximum number of seconds to try reconnection to the job, otherwise failure
:param max_retries: for both async and non-async jobs, maximum number of retries for each job.
:param kwargs: experiment.json -> resource_args will be loaded here.
super(SSHResourceManager, self).__init__(connector, n_parallel, **kwargs)
self.mapping = self.load_node_mapping(key=key, auppath=auppath)
self.verified = set()
self.remote_class = Remote
self._wait_time = reconn_wait_time
self._n_tries = max_retries
self._async_run = async_run
self._async_reconnect = async_reconnect
self._async_timeout = async_timeout
# refresh rate of 1 second for async
self._get_interm_res = 0.1
self.refresh_lock = threading.Lock()
self.s_passed_recon = 0
self.s_passed_interm = 0
[docs] @staticmethod
def load_node_mapping(key="node_mapping", auppath=DEFAULT_AUPTIMIZER_PATH):
Loads ssh configurations from file.
config = load_default_env(auppath=auppath)
check_missing_key(config, key, "Missing %s parameter in aup config" % key, log=logger)
d = json.loads(config[key])
logger.debug("Load resources %s", json.dumps(d))
return {int(i): d[i] for i in d}
[docs] def run(self, job, rid, exp_config, call_back_func, **kwargs):
# experiment.json -> runtime_args will be loaded here
logger.debug("Job %d started on node %s", job.jid, self.mapping)
overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False)
env = kwargs.get('env', {})
logger.debug("Environment variables - %s", env)
prescript = kwargs.get("prescript", "").strip()
if prescript and prescript[-1] != ";":
prescript += ";"
postscript = kwargs.get("postscript", "").strip()
if postscript and postscript[0] != ";":
postscript = ";" + postscript
curr_number_of_tries = 0
logger.debug("path:%s; script:%s", job.path, job.script)
local_script = job.script.split()[0]
local_job_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(local_script))
local_config = None
local_out = None
config_path = None
save_model_flag = job.config.get('save_model', False)
local_model_path = None
remote_model_path = None
log_dump_path = None
# for async run
done_file_path = None
if save_model_flag is True and not self.one_shot:
local_model_path = os.path.join(local_job_path, "aup_models", "models_{}".format(self.eid))
remote_model_path = os.path.join(job.path, "aup_models", "models_{}".format(self.eid))
config_path = os.path.join(job.path, "jobs", 'best_job_%d.json' % self.eid)
log_dump_path = os.path.join(job.path, "jobs", "best_job_%d.out" % self.eid)
local_config = os.path.join(local_job_path, "jobs", "best_job_%d.json" % self.eid)
local_out = os.path.join(local_job_path, "jobs", "best_job_%d.out" % self.eid)
done_file_path = os.path.join(job.path, "jobs", "best_job_%d.done" % self.eid)
config_path = os.path.join(job.path, "jobs", "%d.json" % job.jid)
log_dump_path = os.path.join(job.path, "jobs", "%d.%d.out" % (job.jid, job.curr_retries))
local_config = os.path.join(local_job_path, "jobs", "%d.json" % job.jid)
local_out = os.path.join(local_job_path, "jobs", "%d.%d.out" % (job.jid, job.curr_retries))
done_file_path = os.path.join(job.path, "jobs", "%d.done" % job.jid)
result = "workingdir:%s\njob:%s\n,config:%s" % (job.path, job.script, config_path)
res = "ERROR"
# in case save_model is true
def download_model_files(sftp, remote_dir, local_dir):
from stat import S_ISDIR
os.path.exists(local_dir) or os.makedirs(local_dir)
dir_items = sftp.listdir_attr(remote_dir)
for item in dir_items:
remote_path = os.path.join(remote_dir, item.filename)
local_path = os.path.join(local_dir, item.filename)
if S_ISDIR(item.st_mode):
download_model_files(sftp, remote_path, local_path)
sftp.get(remote_path, local_path)
def sync_job_run():
nonlocal curr_number_of_tries
nonlocal local_job_path
nonlocal local_config
nonlocal local_out
nonlocal config_path
nonlocal save_model_flag
nonlocal local_model_path
nonlocal remote_model_path
nonlocal log_dump_path
nonlocal res
nonlocal result
output = None
# Auptimizer tries to run each job over ssh connection, 'max_retries' number of times.
while curr_number_of_tries < self._n_tries:
try: # TODO-change it such that no need to keep ssh connection alive
with self.remote_class(self.mapping[rid]) as remote:
if rid not in self.verified:
job.verify_remote(remote, overwrite=overwrite)
sftp = open_sftp_with_timeout(remote.client, 5)
# The job is run by copying over the script and required context, along with setting up the correct environments and preprocessing and post processing scripts.
stdout = None
output = ""
if job.was_executed == False:
sftp.put(local_config, config_path)
logger.debug("Running the following commands- ")
command = "%scd %s; ./%s %s 2>&1 | tee %s%s" % \
(prescript, job.path, os.path.basename(job.script), config_path, log_dump_path, postscript)
stdin, stdout, stderr = remote.exec_command(command, environment=env)
with open(local_out, 'w') as fp:
while True:
if self.is_job_stopped(job.jid) == True:
raise StopIteration()
line = stdout.readline()
if not line:
output += line
interm_res = parse_one_line(line)
if interm_res != None:
res = interm_res[0]
irid = self.append_interm_res(job.jid, interm_res[0])
self.append_multiple_results(job.jid, irid, self.eid, interm_res[1:])
self.set_last_multiple_results(self.eid, job.jid)
job.was_executed = True
if save_model_flag is True:
download_model_files(sftp, remote_model_path, local_model_path)
if res == "ERROR":
raise ValueError
except StopIteration:
logger.info("Job stopped")
except ValueError as e:
logger.fatal("Failed to parse result, check %s files at local, or %s at remote",
local_out, log_dump_path)
except pm.SSHException as e:
logger.fatal("Failed to run job over ssh due to unknown reason: %s", str(e))
logger.fatal("%s", result)
logger.fatal("Something went wrong, retrying job with id: "+str(job.jid))
curr_number_of_tries += 1
output = str(e)
except Exception as e:
logger.fatal("catch unexpected error %s", e)
logger.fatal("%s", result)
logger.fatal("Something went wrong, retrying job with id: "+str(job.jid))
curr_number_of_tries += 1
output = str(e)
if job.was_executed == True:
logger.debug("return %s,%d", res, job.jid)
if res == "ERROR":
if output is not None:
logger.fatal("Unable to run job with id: "+str(job.jid))
return res, job.jid
def async_job_run():
nonlocal curr_number_of_tries
nonlocal local_job_path
nonlocal local_config
nonlocal local_out
nonlocal config_path
nonlocal save_model_flag
nonlocal local_model_path
nonlocal remote_model_path
nonlocal log_dump_path
nonlocal done_file_path
nonlocal res
nonlocal result
# touch local_out
open(local_out, 'w').close()
time_job_start = time.time()
output = None
while curr_number_of_tries < self._n_tries:
try: # TODO-change it such that no need to keep ssh connection alive
with self.remote_class(self.mapping[rid]) as remote:
if rid not in self.verified:
job.verify_remote(remote, overwrite=overwrite)
sftp = open_sftp_with_timeout(remote.client, 5)
# The job is run by copying over the script and required context, along with setting up the correct environments and preprocessing and post processing scripts.
stdout = None
if job.was_executed == False:
sftp.put(local_config, config_path)
logger.debug("Running the following commands- ")
command = "%scd %s; rm -f %s; ((./%s %s >%s 2>&1 && echo '1' > %s) || echo '0' > %s%s) &" % \
(prescript, job.path, done_file_path, os.path.basename(job.script), config_path, log_dump_path, \
done_file_path, done_file_path, postscript)
stdin, stdout, stderr = remote.exec_command(command, environment=env)
block_until_ready(remote.client, stdout, env)
stdout.channel.recv_exit_status() # block #TODO entry for issue regarding persistence
job.was_executed = True
# Jobs that are run with async as true, run using an asynchronous agent, which reconnects every 'async_timeout' seconds to check if the job has finished
# The async job and Auptimizer correspond using a dummy log outputfile ('done_file_path').
# Auptimizer checks the async job for timeout, success or failure using different encodings.
done_status = False
check_command = "test -f %s && cat %s" % (done_file_path, done_file_path)
with self.refresh_lock:
self.s_passed_recon = 0
self.s_passed_interm = 0
num_lines = 0
ret = 1
start_time = time.time()
output = ""
while ret != 0:
end_time = time.time()
passed_time = (end_time - start_time)
with self.refresh_lock:
self.s_passed_recon += passed_time
self.s_passed_interm += passed_time
start_time = end_time
if self.is_job_stopped(job.jid) == True:
raise StopIteration()
if self._async_timeout is not None and time.time() - time_job_start > self._async_timeout:
logger.critical("Asynchronous job timed out")
raise Exception("Job timedout")
# if the counter reached the async reconnect point
with self.refresh_lock:
if self.s_passed_recon > self._async_reconnect:
logger.debug("Checking job status")
with self.remote_class(self.mapping[rid]) as remote:
stdin, stdout, _ = remote.exec_command(check_command, environment=env)
block_until_ready(remote.client, stdout, env)
ret = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()
done_status = bool(stdout.read().decode(sys.stdin.encoding if sys.stdin.encoding is not None else 'UTF-8'))
self.s_passed_recon = 0
# if the counter reached the interm res gather or we finished the job
with self.refresh_lock:
if self.s_passed_interm > self._get_interm_res or ret == 0:
logger.debug("Getting the produced lines")
# get the last produced lines
get_interm_command = "tail -n \"$(($(cat %s | wc -l)-%d))\" %s" % \
(log_dump_path, num_lines, log_dump_path)
with self.remote_class(self.mapping[rid]) as remote:
stdin, stdout, _ = remote.exec_command(get_interm_command, environment=env)
block_until_ready(remote.client, stdout, env)
with open(local_out, 'a') as fp:
while True:
line = stdout.readline()
if not line:
output += line
num_lines += 1
interm_res = parse_one_line(line)
if interm_res != None:
res = interm_res[0]
irid = self.append_interm_res(job.jid, interm_res[0])
self.append_multiple_results(job.jid, irid, self.eid, interm_res[1:])
self.s_passed_interm = 0
# let other threads run
# set the flag in multiple_result table
self.set_last_multiple_results(self.eid, job.jid)
with self.remote_class(self.mapping[rid]) as remote:
sftp = remote.client.open_sftp()
if save_model_flag is True:
download_model_files(sftp, remote_model_path, local_model_path)
if not done_status:
res = "ERROR"
if res == "ERROR":
raise ValueError
except StopIteration as si:
terminate_command = "kill $(ps -axo pid:1,cmd:2 | grep '%s %s$' | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1)" % (os.path.basename(job.script), config_path)
with self.remote_class(self.mapping[rid]) as remote:
_, stdout, _ = remote.exec_command(terminate_command, environment=env)
block_until_ready(remote.client, stdout, env)
ret = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()
if ret != 0:
logger.warning("Could not terminate remote process; possible hanging process remaining")
logger.info("Job stopped")
except ValueError as e:
logger.fatal("Failed to parse result, check %s at local, or %s at remote", local_out, log_dump_path)
except pm.SSHException as e:
logger.fatal("Failed to run job over ssh due to unknown reason: %s", str(e))
logger.fatal("%s", result)
logger.fatal("Something went wrong, retrying job with id: "+str(job.jid))
curr_number_of_tries += 1
output = str(e)
except Exception as e:
logger.fatal("catch unexpected error %s", e)
logger.fatal("%s", result)
logger.fatal("Something went wrong, retrying job with id: "+str(job.jid))
curr_number_of_tries += 1
output = str(e)
if job.was_executed == True:
logger.debug("return %s,%d", res, job.jid)
if res == "ERROR":
if output is not None:
logger.fatal("Unable to run job with id: "+str(job.jid))
return res, job.jid
def call_back(future3):
logger.debug("Callback for job %d", job.jid)
if future3.exception(): # If error happens, please report. It is tricky to debug here.
logger.fatal("Error happened in job execution that not captured.")
result = future3.result()
logger.debug("Callback result: %s", result.__str__())
future = None
if self._async_run is True:
future = self.executor.submit(async_job_run)
future = self.executor.submit(sync_job_run)
if future is not None:
[docs] def refresh(self):
# force a timer reset for async
with self.refresh_lock:
self.s_passed_recon = 2 * self._async_reconnect
self.s_passed_interm = 2 * self._get_interm_res